Oct**Laravel Blade Capture Directive** is a fantastic package that introduces a new @capture
directive that allows you to capture small....
Oct**Laravel Getid3** is an awesome Laravel package that helps to extract metadata from media files. mp3, aac, etc. It can be used with files stored on....
Oct**Laravel Mass Update** is a fantastic package that helps to update multiple Laravel Model records, each with its own set of values, sending a single....
OctThis package includes a collection of standards as PHP Enums like ISO3166, ISO4217, ISO639... Daily updates from their sources, whether it is ISO or....
OctA simple and opinionated collection of PHP 8.1 enum helpers inspired by [archtechx/enums](https://github.com/archtechx/enums) and....
OctGenerate Uploadcare image processing URLs to transform and process your images. No need to write or generate the URL yourself. Just pass the UUID of....
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