DecLaravel Review Rateable is a package that offers a complete review & rating system for laravel 5, 6, 7 & 8. You can rate your models by: - Overall....
DecHave you ever wanted to cast your JSON
columns to a value object?
Now you can do it because [Jess Archer](https://github.com/jessarcher)....
DecVue-cal is a vue js component for a full calendar with no dependency. It is compatible with Vuejs 2 & 3 version. Vue Cal provides the minimum needed....
Dec[Ash Allen](https://github.com/ash-jc-allen/short-url) introduced a Laravel package called Short Url that can be used for adding shortened URLs to....
DecSheets is a Laravel package to store, retrieve & index content stored as text files. Markdown & front matter are supported out of the box, but you....
Dec[Nuruzzaman Milon](https://github.com/milon) introduced a barcode generation package inspired by....
Launch project