Oct**Laravel Fortify** is a backend authentication implementation for Laravel. Fortify registers the routes and controllers required to implement all of....
OctAntério Vieira introduced a Vue Js Wrapper of YouTube IFrame Player API (YIPA) called Vue-youtube. Vue-youtube is a simple component for a powerful....
Oct[Docker](https://docs.docker.com/develop/) is an open-source containerization platform. It allows developers to package applications into containers....
Oct[JoBins](https://github.com/JoBinsJP) has introduced a basic DataTable component for Vue3 in typescript and Composition API. It allows for a quick....
OctThere are a variety of tools and frameworks available to you when building a web application. However, Laravel is the best alternative for building....
OctThe Laravel Shopify package allows you to easily make requests to the **Shopify API**. It can be utilized to communicate with Shopify from your....
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