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Generate Multiple Laravel Code Components From a Single Tool cover image

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Blueprint is an open-source tool for rapidly generating multiple Laravel components from a single, human-readable definition.

Watch a quick demo of Blueprint in action and continue reading to get started.


Blueprint requires a Laravel application running the latest stable release of Laravel, currently Laravel 8.x.


You can install Blueprint via composer using the following command:

composer require --dev laravel-shift/blueprint

Basic Usage

Blueprint comes with a set of artisan commands. The one you’ll use the most is the blueprint:build command to generate the Laravel components:

php artisan blueprint:build [draft]

The draft file contains a definition of the components to generate.

Let’s review the following, example draft file to generate some blog components:

    title: string:400
    content: longtext
    published_at: nullable timestamp
    author_id: id:user

      query: all
      render: post.index with:posts

      validate: title, content, author_id
      save: post
      send: ReviewPost with:post
      dispatch: SyncMedia with:post
      fire: NewPost with:post
      flash: post.title
      redirect: post.index

From these simple 20 lines of YAML, Blueprint will generate all of the following Laravel components:

  • A model class for Post complete with fillable, casts, and dates properties, as well as relationships methods.
  • A migration to create the posts table.
  • A factory intelligently sets columns with fake data.
  • A controller class for PostController with index and store actions complete with code generated for each statement.
  • Routes for the PostController actions.
  • A form request of StorePostRequest validating title and content based on the Post model definition.
  • A mailable class for ReviewPost complete with a post property set through the constructor.
  • A job class for SyncMedia complete with a post property set through the constructor.
  • An event class for NewPost complete with a post property set through the constructor.
  • A Blade template of post/index.blade.php rendered by PostController@index.

Note: This example assumes features within a default Laravel application such as the User model and app.blade.php layout. Otherwise, the generated test may have failures.

For more details, you can visit it’s documentation here.

In Closing

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Published at : 28-09-2022

Author : Rizwan Aslam
Rizwan Aslam

I am a highly results-driven professional with 12+ years of collective experience in the grounds of web application development especially in laravel, native android application development in java, and desktop application development in the dot net framework. Now managing a team of expert developers at Codebrisk.

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