NovLaravel-promocodes is an awesome coupon and promotional code generator for Laravel. The current release is for Laravel 9.x
and PHP 8.1. It’s completely rewritten, if you use the previous version, you should change your code accordingly. The code is simplified now and it should take you several minutes to completely rewrite usage.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require zgabievi/laravel-promocodes
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Zorb\Promocodes\PromocodesServiceProvider"
After you configure this file, run migrations:
php artisan migrate
Now you will need to use AppliesPromocode on your user model.
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Zorb\Promocodes\Traits\AppliesPromocode;
class User extends Authenticatable {
use AppliesPromocode;
It’s very easy to use. Methods are combined so that you can configure promo codes easily.
Using class
Combine methods as you need. You can skip any method that you don’t need, most of them already have default values.
use Zorb\Promocodes\Facades\Promocodes;
Promocodes::mask('AA-***-BB') // default: config('promocodes.code_mask')
->characters('ABCDE12345') // default: config('promocodes.allowed_symbols')
->multiUse() // default: false
->unlimited() // default: false
->boundToUser() // default: false
->user(User::find(1)) // default: null
->count(5) // default: 1
->usages(5) // default: 1
->expiration(now()->addYear()) // default: null
->details([ 'discount' => 50 ]) // default: []
Using helper
There is a global helper function that will do the same as promocodes class. You can use named arguments magic from php 8.1.
mask: 'AA-***-BB', // default: config('promocodes.code_mask')
characters: 'ABCDE12345', // default: config('promocodes.allowed_symbols')
multiUse: true, // default: false
unlimited: true, // default: false
boundToUser: true, // default: false
user: User::find(1), // default: null
count: 5, // default: 1
usages: 5, // default: 1
expiration: now()->addYear(), // default: null
details: [ 'discount' => 50 ] // default: []
Using command
There is also the command for creating promocodes. Parameters are optional here too.
php artisan promocodes:create\
--expiration="2022-01-01 00:00:00"
If you want to output promocodes and not save them to the database, you can call generate method instead of create.
use Zorb\Promocodes\Facades\Promocodes;
Promocodes::mask('AA-***-BB') // default: config('promocodes.code_mask')
->characters('ABCDE12345') // default: config('promocodes.allowed_symbols')
->multiUse() // default: false
->unlimited() // default: false
->boundToUser() // default: false
->user(User::find(1)) // default: null
->count(5) // default: 1
->usages(5) // default: 1
->expiration(now()->addYear()) // default: null
->details([ 'discount' => 50 ]) // default: []
Using class
Combine methods as you need. You can skip any method that you don’t need.
use Zorb\Promocodes\Facades\Promocodes;
->user(User::find(1)) // default: null
Using helper
There is a global helper function that will do
the same as the promocodes class.
User::find(1) // default: null
Using command
There is also the command for applying promocode.
php artisan promocodes:apply ABC-DEF --user=1
For more details and source code, please visit Github.
Published at : 07-11-2022
I am a highly results-driven professional with 12+ years of collective experience in the grounds of web application development especially in laravel, native android application development in java, and desktop application development in the dot net framework. Now managing a team of expert developers at Codebrisk.
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