AugLaravel Arkitect is an amazing package that lets you test and enforces your architectural rules in your Laravel applications, and it’s a PHPArkitect wrapper for Laravel. This package helps you to keep your app’s architecture clean and consistent.
You can install the package via Composer:
composer require mortexa/laravel-arkitect --dev
First, you should create your architectural rules by running the following Artisan command:
php artisan make:arkitekt ControllersNaming
By running the command, the ControllersNaming.php
the file will be created in your application’s tests/Architecture
directory like this:
namespace Tests\Architecture;
use Arkitect\Rules\DSL\ArchRule;
use Mortexa\LaravelArkitect\Contracts\RuleContract;
use Mortexa\LaravelArkitect\Rules\BaseRule;
class ControllersNaming extends BaseRule implements RuleContract
* Define your architectural rule
* @link https://github.com/phparkitect/arkitect
* @return \Arkitect\Rules\DSL\ArchRule
public static function rule(): ArchRule
// TODO: Implement rule() method.
* Define the path related to your rule
* @example app/Http/Controllers
* @return string
public static function path(): string
// TODO: Implement path() method.
Then, you must implement rule()
and path()
methods based on the following example.
And finally, you can run your tests by the following command:
php artisan test:arkitect
Some opinionated rules are provided by the package and apply by default. These rules are about Laravel user-land structure. You are free to customize or ignore them entirely by publishing a config file.
namespace Tests\Architecture;
use Arkitect\Expression\ForClasses\HaveNameMatching;
use Arkitect\Expression\ForClasses\ResideInOneOfTheseNamespaces;
use Arkitect\Rules\DSL\ArchRule;
use Arkitect\Rules\Rule;
use Mortexa\LaravelArkitect\Contracts\RuleContract;
use Mortexa\LaravelArkitect\Rules\BaseRule;
class ControllersNaming extends BaseRule implements RuleContract
public static function rule(): ArchRule
return Rule::allClasses()
->that(new ResideInOneOfTheseNamespaces('App\Http\Controllers'))
->should(new HaveNameMatching('*Controller'))
->because('It\'s a Laravel naming convention');
public static function path(): string
return 'app/Http/Controllers';
If you want to customize the default rules provided by the package, You can publish the Laravel Arkitect configuration file using the following Artisan command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mortexa\LaravelArkitect\ArkitectServiceProvider" --tag="config"
The arkitect
configuration file will be placed in your application’s config
For more details, Please Visit Github
Published at : 18-08-2022
I am a highly results-driven professional with 12+ years of collective experience in the grounds of web application development especially in laravel, native android application development in java, and desktop application development in the dot net framework. Now managing a team of expert developers at Codebrisk.
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