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Supercharge PHP Enum Functionalities with Zero-dependencies cover image

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Enum is a Zero-dependencies PHP library that can supercharge enum functionalities.


You can install this package via composer:

composer require cerbero/enum


To supercharge our enums with all functionalities provided by this package, we can simply use the Enumerates trait in both pure enums and backed enums:

use Cerbero\Enum\Concerns\Enumerates;

enum PureEnum
    use Enumerates;

    case one;
    case two;
    case three;

enum BackedEnum: int
    use Enumerates;

    case one = 1;
    case two = 2;
    case three = 3;


These methods determine whether an enum is pure or backed:

PureEnum::isPure(); // true
PureEnum::isBacked(); // false

BackedEnum::isPure(); // false
BackedEnum::isBacked(); // true


We can check whether an enum includes some names or values. Pure enums check for names, whilst backed enums check for values:

PureEnum::has('one'); // true
PureEnum::has('four'); // false
PureEnum::doesntHave('one'); // false
PureEnum::doesntHave('four'); // true

BackedEnum::has(1); // true
BackedEnum::has(4); // false
BackedEnum::doesntHave(1); // false
BackedEnum::doesntHave(4); // true

Otherwise, we can let cases determine whether they match with a name or a value:

PureEnum::one->is('one'); // true
PureEnum::one->is(1); // false
PureEnum::one->is('four'); // false
PureEnum::one->isNot('one'); // false
PureEnum::one->isNot(1); // true
PureEnum::one->isNot('four'); // true

BackedEnum::one->is(1); // true
BackedEnum::one->is('1'); // false
BackedEnum::one->is(4); // false
BackedEnum::one->isNot(1); // false
BackedEnum::one->isNot('1'); // true
BackedEnum::one->isNot(4); // true

Comparisons can also be performed within arrays:

PureEnum::one->in(['one', 'four']); // true
PureEnum::one->in([1, 4]); // false
PureEnum::one->notIn('one', 'four'); // false
PureEnum::one->notIn([1, 4]); // true

BackedEnum::one->in([1, 4]); // true
BackedEnum::one->in(['one', 'four']); // false
BackedEnum::one->notIn([1, 4]); // false
BackedEnum::one->notIn(['one', 'four']); // true

Cases collection

When a plain list of cases is returned by one of the operations of the case, it gets wrapped into a CasesCollection which provides a fluent API to perform further operations on the set of cases:

PureEnum::filter('isOdd')->sortBy('color')->pluck('color', 'name'); // ['three' => 'blue', 'one' => 'red']

Cases can be collected by calling collect() or any other cases operation returning a CasesCollection:

PureEnum::collect(); // CasesCollection<PureEnum::one, PureEnum::two, PureEnum::three>

BackedEnum::only('one', 'two'); // CasesCollection<BackedEnum::one, BackedEnum::two>

We can iterate cases collections within any loop:

foreach (PureEnum::collect() as $case) {
    echo $case->name;

Obtaining the underlying plain list of cases is easy:

PureEnum::collect()->cases(); // [PureEnum::one, PureEnum::two, PureEnum::three]

Sometimes we may need to extract only the first case of the collection:

PureEnum::filter(fn (PureEnum $case) => !$case->isOdd())->first(); // PureEnum::two

This package has a lot of other options with code examples. If you want to dig more you can visit its complete documentation on Github.

Published at : 21-07-2022

Author : Rizwan Aslam
Rizwan Aslam

I am a highly results-driven professional with 12+ years of collective experience in the grounds of web application development especially in laravel, native android application development in java, and desktop application development in the dot net framework. Now managing a team of expert developers at Codebrisk.

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