JulSpatie launched Laravel Markdown which is a Powerful markdown renderer and Blade component for Laravel. This package includes a blade component that can render markdown and a highly configurable class that can be utilized to render markdown.
This package requires:
PHP 8 or higher
For highlighting code: Node 10 or newer
You’ve to run this command for the installation via composer.
composer require spatie/laravel-markdown
You can enable the code highlighting feature by installing the JavaScript package Shiki in your laravel project.
You’ve to run this command for the installation via npm.
npm install shiki
Ensure that you have installed Node 10 or higher.
You can publish the config file with this command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\LaravelMarkdown\LaravelMarkdownBladeCom
Let’s begin with an example of the given x-markdown Blade component.
# My title
It is a [link to our website](https://spatie.be)
echo 'Hello world';
The above chunk of markdown will be transformed to this chunk of HTML:
<h1 id="my-title">My title</h1>
<p>This is a <a href="https://spatie.be">link to our website</a></p>
<pre class="shiki" style="background-color: #fff"><code><span class="line"><span
style="color: #005CC5">echo</span><span style="color: #24292E"> </span><span style="color: #032F62">'Hello world'</span>
style="color: #24292E">;</span></span>
<span class="line"></span></code></pre>
If you want to render HTML programmatically. You can do this by resolving the class out of the container, So all the options in the config file can be used.
Additionally, the MarkdownRenderer can highlight code blocks precisely (via Shiki PHP ) for 100+ languages, including PHP, JS, Blade, and many more. You can add anchor links to headings and, you can cache results to enhance performance.
Its full documentation and source code is available on Github. spatie / laravel-markdown
Published at : 16-07-2021
I am a highly results-driven professional with 12+ years of collective experience in the grounds of web application development especially in laravel, native android application development in java, and desktop application development in the dot net framework. Now managing a team of expert developers at Codebrisk.
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