OctGeographical Calculator was developed for laravel 5.8+ to help you implement geographical calculation, with several algorithms that help you deal with coordinates.
1 - Dependency
The first step is using composer to install the package and automatically update your composer.json file, you can do this by running:
composer require kmlaravel/laravel-geographical-calculator
2 - Copy the package providers to your local config with the publish command, this will publish the config:
php artisan geo:install
| units values
| your custom units, the initial units its convert from a mile to any value
| (1.609344) is the conversion factor from a mile to a kilometer
'units' => [
'mile' => 1,
'km' => 1.609344,
'm' => (1.609344 * 1000),
'cm' => (1.609344 * 100),
'mm' => (1.609344 * 1000 * 1000),
| distance_key_prefix
| if you declared more than tow points to resolve their distance,
| you will see the result in the following format:
| "1-2" => ["km" => "some result"],
| "2-3" => ["km" => "some result"],
| "3-4" => ["km" => "some result"],
| and if you want to set any prefix before each index
| you must change the below value to any value you want.
'distance_key_prefix' => '',
For more details, Please visit Github.
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Published at : 10-10-2022
I am a highly results-driven professional with 12+ years of collective experience in the grounds of web application development especially in laravel, native android application development in java, and desktop application development in the dot net framework. Now managing a team of expert developers at Codebrisk.
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