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Control the Complexity of Php Methods by Checking Arguments cover image

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PHP Arguments Detector is a package that keeps control over the complexity of your methods by checking that they do not have too many arguments.


This package requires >= PHP 7.3.

You can install this package via composer by running this command.

composer require degraciamathieu/php-arguments-detector --dev


vendor/bin/phpargsdetector inspect {folder}


options description
–min-args= Ignore methods with less than --min-args arguments.
–max-args= Ignore methods with more than --max-args arguments.
–min-weight= Ignore methods with less than --min-weight weight.
–max-weight= Ignore methods with more than --max-weight weight.
–limit= Number of methods displayed.
–without-constructor Ignore method constructors from detection.
–sort-by-weight Sort the results by the weight of methods.


vendor/bin/phpargsdetector inspect app/Services/Saml/

| Files                                    | Methods          | Arguments | Weight |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php | __construct      | 2         | 2      |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php | makeSamlResponse | 2         | 68     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlSecurity.php       | checkSignature   | 2         | 18     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlIssuer.php         | find             | 1         | 3      |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlKeeper.php         | keep             | 1         | 1      |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php | addAttributes    | 1         | 26     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php | sign             | 1         | 12     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlResponder.php      | launch           | 1         | 10     |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlKeeper.php         | has              | 0         | 0      |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlKeeper.php         | retrieve         | 0         | 0      |
Total of methods : 10
vendor/bin/phpargsdetector inspect app/ --limit=3 --min-args=2 --without-constructor

| Files                                           | Methods | Arguments | Weight |
| app/Http/Middleware/RedirectIfAuthenticated.php | handle  | 3         | 27     |
| app/Http/Controllers/IssuerController.php       | update  | 2         | 24     |
| app/Http/Controllers/RestrictionController.php  | update  | 2         | 28     |
Total of methods : 3
vendor/bin/phpargsdetector inspect app/ --limit=3 --sort-by-weight

| Files                                           | Methods          | Arguments | Weight |
| app/Services/Saml/SamlMessageFactory.php        | makeSamlResponse | 2         | 68     |
| app/Http/Controllers/RestrictionController.php  | update           | 2         | 28     |
| app/Http/Middleware/RedirectIfAuthenticated.php | handle           | 3         | 27     |
Total of methods : 3


The weight is the number of arguments multiplied by the number of lines of the method.

The weight of the foo method is 10 : 2</code arguments * 5 lines.

class Bar {
    public function foo($a, $b)
        if ($a) {

        return $b;

You can use it as a complexity indicator.

For more details, please visit Github

Published at : 12-08-2022

Author : Rizwan Aslam
Rizwan Aslam

I am a highly results-driven professional with 12+ years of collective experience in the grounds of web application development especially in laravel, native android application development in java, and desktop application development in the dot net framework. Now managing a team of expert developers at Codebrisk.

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